Monday, December 6, 2010

Qwixalted - The Basic Rules

*This is the first in a series of previews directly from the Qwixalted rules as I write them. I've gotten a LOT of questions along the lines of "When will the game be done?!". In response, I've decided to post sections of the text as they are completed, allowing those interested to follow my progress as well as giving access to the most current implementations of the rules. With further playtesting, the game may change a bit before release. But aside from minor issues, the final text should simply be a compilation of these posts.*

TAKING ACTION – The Basic Rules

Chosen by the gods of Creation, Exalted will accomplish most tasks without rolling at all. Exalts roll only when Complications make a task more difficult and failure is just as interesting, cool, or fun as success.

Dice Pool: Pick the most appropriate Ability for the task and grab dice equal to its parent Trait.

Survival tasks are covered by Zenith for Solars, No Moon for Lunars, Wood for Dragon-Blooded, etc.

Bonus Dice: Usually, you’ll grab some bonus dice to add to your pool.

Charm, Spell, Stunting, Background, Artifact, Virtue, Help Dice, etc.

Difficulty: The difficulty is the number of dice subtracted from your pool. Usually, -1 per Complication (-5 Max) stated by the GM.

Heavy Rain, Darkness, Unfamiliar Language, Long Range, Missing Pages, etc.

Penalties: Other penalties, such as wounds or an opponent’s defenses, may subtract further dice, but have their own rules.

Minimum: No matter the difficulty, Exalts always roll at least 1 die.

Successes: After a roll, 4s and 5s are successes. 6s are 2 successes each!

Exceptional: 1 success accomplishes the task, but 5+ successes marks an Exceptional Success and, outside of combat, brings additional benefits.

Crafting Unbreakable Items, Learning Additional Facts, Resisting Toxins Permanently, etc.

Dice Pool = Ability + Bonus Dice – Complications – Penalties

Playtest in the West - Dark Fates from Mountain Witch

For a long time I'd been pondering a con scenario for Exalted based on the incredible, can't say enough good things about, Mountain Witch rpg.

In Mountain Witch, six disgraced ronin team up to climb Mount Fuji and slay the Mountain Witch. Yet each of them volunteered for a dark reason, the revelation of which would turn their companions against them. Bringing those dark fates to an Exalted scenario involving six dynasts on a Wyld Hunt was too enticing a proposition to pass up. It worked great!

The actual mechanics themselves continue to work wonderfully with very few hiccups. A minor issue came up when a player asked about creating a poison for his arrows, but it was satisfactorily house ruled in a flash.

It did make me wonder about crafting rules and poison though. So now I'll think about on how/if they should be included.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Playtest in the West - Skipped a Week

We had a player out so we decided to skip game on Sunday. I always hate that, but sometimes it's better than finagling the story to account for absences.

This week I'm preparing another playtest adventure for the local Game Day. It will be a bunch of pre-generated Dragon-Blooded forming a Wyld Hunt to hunt down an Anathema. I'll use the dark fates from Mountain Witch and play the story out like a Mountain Witch game using Qwixalted characters and mechanics. It should be a total blast!

On the Qwixalted Development Front, the week has had a few news worthy moments.
  • Aprogressivist, a very helpful RPGnetter, has taken the initiative to start up a PbP game over the RPGnet wiki. As far as I know, he's still taking new players and you can find all the details here.
  • A little Googling turned up a Portuguese forum discussing what games should be taken to a local con, Qwixalted came up!
  • Chronicler, another awesome RPGnetter, not only donated to the effort by actually sending me a gift, but he also swiped for himself! The blog's brand new, but may be worth watching if you're a fan of the project.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Playtest in the West - Intro

Yesterdays playtest was short (late players) but sweet.

I got our zany group of unlikely Celestial buddies together using the old standby of The Common Enemy. The PCs were taking in a play when some Dragon-Bloods showed up and a crafty Air-aspected investigator spotted some Anathema. Here's hoping I can turn their partnership of convenience into a serious (or at least semi-believable) team up.

We ran into a couple minor mechanical questions regarding the Multiple charm and Countermagic, but they've since been resolved. That's exactly what playtests are for, right?!


Supernatural+Paced+Craft allowed our unarmed Sidereal to instantly fashion a giant maul made of the audience's laughter. Perfect for his signature Fighting Style!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Playtest in the West

With Neoncon done and a little more tweaking out of the way, my regular Sunday group finally got back together for some regular playtesting of the Qwixalted rules.

To give this game a proper run, we decided on a mini-campaign in the West. I mentioned how cool it would be to playtest several character types and somehow got a Sidereal, a Lunar and an Abyssal! We've got a tenuous connection for them, but I'm hoping it doesn't all come crashing down once the plot takes off.

Speaking of plot, I should probably go find one of those. :-P

Character Creation Session Highlights

Badass names for badass Fighting Styles!
  • The Agile Fist of Damnation (Abyssal's Fighting Style)
  • One Thousand Chimes of the Waking Dawn (Sidereal's Fighting Style)
Best Motivation Ever!
  • Construct the bell who's perfect chime will cause mass exaltation throughout all of Creation.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


For those of you cool enough to be reading this blog and have a copy of the new Hellas book...

You may notice some mass combat rules that seem familiar...

That's right kids, I'm in print!

Apparently, Jerry has no idea what my actual last name is. But small things like that can't stop me from being ridiculously excited about the whole thing!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Playtests are Going Well!

With the successful RPGnet post (150 posts & 6500 views!) and two great playtests at NeonCon, I'd say the Qwixalted conversion is humming along nicely.

I've put a bunch more docs in the Qwixalted Folder and I'm beginning work on the final pdf.

The majority consensus seems to be "You should file the serial numbers off and publish this shit man!" To them I simply smile and say, "It's all part of the plan..."

Speaking of Qwixalted, here's a good con story for you. Jerry Grayson and friends had just dragged their way through a clunky Eclipse Phase game. All were growning about the system's repetitive rolls and Trentin (a good friend and Qwixalted playtester) mentioned that the game could use a qwixing. Jerry loved the idea of 'eQwix Phase' and said that should be my thing. "Your game should just be called Qwix. You could take all the bad systems with good settings and Qwix 'em up!"

Not a bad idea Jerry, not bad at all. :-P

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Qwixalted at NeonCon!

After the successful playtest last weekend and some unexpected interest on RPGnet, my super sweet Exalted rules are coming together nicely.

I may not have a pretty little document put together by the 4th, but Qwixalted will definitely be on the menu at Games on Demand for NeonCon. See you there!

Saturday, October 23, 2010


After weeks of searching for a viable system for the liquid cool of the Exalted setting, a thread on RPGnet ultimately led me back to the 1st Edition Exalted Quickstart.

I couldn't get it out of my brain, so I may as well share it with the world. :-P Here's where I'm at so far...

Edit: I'm sticking all relevant info, sheets, and rules into a Qwixalted GoogleDocs folder as I complete it. Check there for updates and downloadables!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Apocalypse World Chargen!

My Girl has finally agreed to run me a game of AW. I'm still not allowed to read the book, but Sunday will bring sweet, sweet character creation and maybe a little setting brainstorming.

Sounds good to me!

Those of you showing up at NeonCon next month, hit me up at Games on Demand for an Apocalypse World session of your very own! And if my grasp of the rules seems sketchy . . . blame the girl that held the book hostage. ;-)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Games on Demand: NeonCon 2010

Games on Demand is coming back to NeonCon 2010. If you saw it last year, you know the deal. If you didn't, it was glorious!

What is it?

I originally saw Games on Demand at GenCon and it struck me as a great way to facilitate rpgs at cons. A table is set up with a host of games spread out. Attendees walk up and say "I love me some [preferred genre]!" The volunteers at the booth say "Of course you do, fine sir. Have your heard of [recommended game]?" After an excited elevator pitch about the awesome that is [recommended game], the booth volunteers find a way to get the excited attendee into a game right then and there. If that's not possible, the volunteers arrange a future time when that game can happen.

Who Runs?

The volunteers are absolutely everyone and anyone that wants to pitch in to run (or sometimes just play!) an impromptu game session with whomever shows up asking for one.

Who Plays?

The players will be people with a few hours to kill before their next event, people that have heard good things about [the new hotness] and want a chance to try it out, and passersby that look bored or curious until we use all of our mad carnie tricks to get them seated, playing, and having an awesome time.

What Games?

Last year, GoD was the main way to bring a little small press (or Indie or Story Gamey or whatever) love to NeonCon. This year, many indie/story games are being added to the schedule, so I'm not too worried about championing the indie cause this time around. Let's play whatever we want!

GoD can handle anything from the hippie stuff like Dogs in the Vineyard and Primetime Adventures to older or more nichey games that don't see enough convention love like Mechwarrior or 1st Edition D&D. The only requirements are that the games must come from our own collections, they should be games we can run well, and they should be games we're excited about. Hell, bring D&D4E if that's what you love! I would've been all over a chance to check out a 4E session that didn't involve registering with organized play craziness.

The 4 Goals for Games on Demand 2010:
  1. Offer games that can be played immediately via low prep-time, pregens, easy to learn rules, etc.
  2. Offer a sign-up board where future games can be arranged when immediate play is not possible.
  3. Showcase little known or under appreciated rpgs via GMs that are knowledgeable and excited to run them.
  4. Offer 'popular' games that gamers have already heard about, educating and hopefully exciting them about a new game. Apocalypse World, Dresden Files, etc.
When Can I Play?

Games on Demand will run each day of NeonCon 2010.

Thursday, November 4th: 7p - 11p
Friday & Saturday, November 5th & 6th: 11a - 11p
Sunday, November 7th: 11a - 6p

How Can I Help?

Contact me if you want to run some games with GoD. Let me know when you want to help, what games you want to run, and any other questions or suggestions you may have. You can help out all day or only 4 hours. We can even put you 'on call' should we find any interest for that one game you really want to run!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Still Can't Read Apocalypse World...

It's now 5 weeks after GenCon . . . and I still can't read Apocalypse World.

It all started when I got my girl into roleplaying, little did I know it would backfire on me one day. It wasn't too hard to get her in, she plays all sorts of video games and we had a blast playing through Borderlands together.

Of all the rpgs I ran for her though, she liked Dogs in the Vineyard the best. Walking around the GenCon sales floor I pointed out a familiar face to her, "That guy's Vincent Baker." She looked at me blankly so I elaborated, "He wrote Dogs."

Her eyes lit up. It was hilarious and adorable. I led her over to the Lumpley/Forge booth so I could check out the new hotness. There it was, the new shiny from various rpg forums, Apocalypse World. I picked it up and flipped through as Baker finished up a demo. He chatted with us for a bit and gave us a run down of the game.

After the chat, I asked, "So what do you think babe? Should we pick it up?" Her favorite rpg author had written a game, a game just like Borderlands, a new game that Jarvis didn't know how to play! The "YES!" didn't take long.

Within hours I was informed that the crisp new Apocalypse World book I just purchased was now her game. "You can't read it because I'm going to run it and I don't want anyone else correcting me on rules."

[Edit: I later discovered that the underlying reason is to prevent me from 'knowing the game' better than she does. Expertise breeds confidence and she wants to be the AW expert when we sit down to play.]

And here we are. Five weeks later and I still can't read the hot new book because my girl insists on running it for me. Awesome and totally not, all at the same time. :-P

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Game Hacks: Cool Points

Cool Points are the first story game hack to make it into every game I run. They've changed a lot over the years, but you'll probably spot similarities to Primetime Adventures, Fate, Serenity and Agon at the very least.

Here's how I currently use them in my Werewolf: the Apocalypse game.


The GM starts with cool points equal to 5x the number of players. My games usually have 4 players so that's 20 cool points. If the players start a fight with an NPC or each other, that's on them, but if the GM throws some hardship at them, it's paid for with cool points.

1 cool point allows me to 'buy' a threat, obstacle, or opposition that's roughly equal to the PCs themselves [3 12th level ninjas vs the three Level 12 PCs]. Each additional cool point buys additional baddies or increases their potency.

Once the threat or encounter is overcome, the cool points used to create are distributed to the players evenly. Any remainder sits in the center of the table!

Additionally, each player starts with a number of cool points himself. This allows them to grease the cool point wheels before they hit the first conflict. In my Werewolf game, they start with 1 cool point per Rank. This is roughly equivalent to Level/4 in a d20 game.


Whenever someone does something 'cool' at the table, another player can throw them a cool point as recognition, from the 'remainder pot' on the table or their own stash. In my games, they're handed out for everything from badass dialog to hilarious jokes and even tasty snack contributions. Players are encouraged to reward cool points for anything and everything that makes the entire rpg experience more fun for them.

Note that players are equally encouraged to reward the GM with cool points in the exact same way. Likewise, the GM can reward players with cool points directly.


At their most basic, cool points can be spent on any roll for a small bonus. In my Werewolf game, this means they can roll 1 extra die. Cool points can even be spent after a roll has already failed, in hopes to turn a failure into a success. Cool points awarded to the GM can be spent the exact same way. The GM can boost an NPC's roll by spending a cool point.

Cool points spent to modify a roll are always given to the player that was targeted by the roll. If you use a bonus against him, he gets the cool point after you spend it. Points used against NPCs or the environment are naturally handed back to the GM. Points used by the GM against players are handed directly to them after the roll.

Plot Points

Outside of rolling dice, cool points can also be spent to make major or minor plot alterations. The GM can obviously do this for free, but players need to spend cool points to alter things normally outside their character's control. Call it 'dramatic editing' or whatever you wish, but it simply allows characters to find a handy garbage chute when they really want one.

Making more significant changes requires more cool points (players can all contribute), but here are some basic guidelines.
  • 1 = Minor/Insignificant Change - The necromancer should be a chick! That'd be cooler.
  • 4 = Meaningful/Significant Change - I think the prince should have a crush on me!
  • 7 = Major/Serious Change - The necromancer is in love with the prince!
  • 11 = Grand/Enormous Change - The necromancer IS the prince!
Soft Compels

Cool points can also be used as a 'soft compel'. It's soft because the GM forces nothing on the player, nothing they must buy their way out of. It's just a way for the GM to add incentive to a particular course of action or inaction. [Seriously guys, we can't have him as a recurring villain if you don't let him get away this time. How 'bout 3 cool points and he walks?]

Players can also bring this on themselves. Anytime they willingly disadvantage their character, they take a cool point for their trouble. [My ankle never healed right after that last fight. Looks like the assassin gets away. Darn, I guess we'll be seeing him again then!]


Any cool points left in a player's hands at the end of a session become bonus XP. This is partly to reward players that earned so many cool points and partly to limit their flow around the table. If all cool points got spent on dice rolls, game 'balance' might suffer. If they all get spent on plot changes, the fiction could get too tangled. A reason to horde them seems to be almost as valuable as a reason to spend them!


That about does it for cool points, maybe I'll encourage my players to chime in with their opinions of how all this works at the table!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Rethinking RPG Combat

A dude over on RPGnet asked for a great system for handling martial arts. Someone recommended a poorly edited and long forgotten rpg called Fireborn. Holy shit!

I skimmed through the book when it first came out, but the idea of heroes as reincarnated dragon spirits never really sat with me. Not when I already had Exalted for the whole reborn heroes and wuxia action anyway. I should've looked harder. The Dynamic D6 system is fast and fluid and chaining 'moves' together for each action roll is just fucking brilliant!

I've had a design project on the back burner for a while, but it really needed its own system. Something built from the ground up. Something fast and flashy. Something a little different than the back and forth tennis tempo of most RPG fights. Fireborn got me excited about combat rules again. It made me see that Equilibrium and Hard Boiled can work as RPGs. It got to sit down and start working out a shiny new rule set.

Who knew modern-day dragons have been quietly holding badass wire-fu battles, under our very noses, for the last five fucking years?! Shame on you Fantasy Flight, you should've said something.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Locations as Characters

During Shark Bone 022, we talked about the Locations as Characters concept from Invite Only.

Invite Only says give your important scene (setting, location, whatever) a concept, a few notes, and a virtue/vice combination. Think about it like a character and bring it to life. It all seems a bit ambiguous though.

I had a few thoughts on the show and a few more once we stopped recording. The discussion is over on RPGnet and only time will tell how productive that turns out to be. Until then, though, here's the gist...

Locations as Characters

Details - Each location should need only a few brief elements to really shine.
Name: The name. (Hills Cemetery)
Concept: The few word concept of the place. (Spooky Graveyard)
Theme: The feel of the place, what it stands for or against, etc. (Creepy)
Showcase: An item or person that exemplifies the concept and theme. (The unmarked grave no one goes near.)

That's the basic part, here's where it gets fun.

What if each location also got a Rank? What if that's how many dice it got to further its theme? Of course, a spooky graveyard doesn't actively try to scare people away, but damn if trespassing PCs don't have to resist 3 dice worth of fear just for being there.

At the same time, these dice would aid or hinder any action taken by a PC that supported or resisted the location's theme. Want to get answers out of that mook? Threaten him at the spooky graveyard! Want to seduce that cute girl from the office? The spooky graveyard's probably not the best place to do it. (Though scientifically, it actually would be!)

Even better, what if each location actually got an action. Every once in a while during narrative scenes or at the end of every initiative round. You dive into an open grave for cover, they fire wildly in your direction, then spooky graveyard rolls 3 dice to intimidate you as you realize 'open' does not mean 'empty'.

Location actions could be taken by the location itself, like chill winds and eerie howls, or taken by the inhabitants of the location, like child ghosts or the crazy grounds keeper. The location is never, well rarely ever, an actual participant in the conflict, just an active backdrop.

Picking a fight with the president of a biker gang will probably make every biker in the bar an active participant, but that doesn't stop the bar's owner or some of the strippers from taking action for the bar itself.

What do you think? Are we on to something?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Pacing Mechanic

Preparing for Shark Bone 022, I watched Deep Blue Sea and had a revelation regarding pacing. I talked about it a bit on the show, but I'd like type it up and save it here.

In the movie, sharks attack people.

Sometimes the people do inherently dangerous things like run from secure location to secure location, try to rescue a friend in danger, etc. These moments are inherently tense and dangerous, these are the times when failure brings death, lost health levels, and pain. This is where all of the normal rules and mechanics from whatever rpg you're playing come in.

Between these moments of inherent danger and risk though... the people do other stuff. Boring stuff. Safe stuff. Sometimes they deliver flat exposition, sometimes they mend wounds, sometimes they fortify their position, sometimes they get to know each other, etc.

The trick is, that each 'safe action', each passing minute without a death or dismemberment, only increases the feeling that another mother fucking shark is about to get a tasty human snack. Substitute sharks for zombies and you have the rhythm of every zombie movie ever made. The longer the heroes avoid doing anything dangerous, the higher the chance the danger will come to them.

The well-versed among you are thinking this sounds a lot like the pacing mechanic in Shotgun Diaries. Well, you're right. And wrong. Shotgun Diaries increases the zombie clock after every 10 minutes of real time. In my opinion, it fails.

I propose increasing opposition after every 'safe action', that is after every action that brings no inherent danger. The PCs want to chat for 30min of quality roleplay? Awesome! Don't interrupt that shit for anything. Don't bring in the zombies when the PCs are at each other's throats and bringing their own danger. Just sit back and enjoy the mayhem! On the other hand, when the PCs fortify their location, investigate the outbreak, heal their wounds, and otherwise avoid the danger outside. A few more zombies gather on the outskirts.

If you want to raise tension in a zombie or slasher style horror game, use this...

Every time a player calls for a dice roll that doesn't bring or risk something dangerous, increase the opposition. In WoD terms, add an extra die to the next enemy attack. In D20 terms, add a +2 bonus to the next baddie.

If your zombies roll 2 dice to attack (or has a +4 bonus to hit), three safe actions between attacks will mean the next zombie rolls 5 dice (or has a +10 bonus). Hell, three safe actions could just as easily allow you to introduce a brand new threat (like a gas leak) at 3 dice!

That's it! Easy enough right?

Games on Demand: GenCon vs. NeonCon

A few years ago, a visit to GenCon's Games on Demand area blew me away.
  • Playing when I wanted, no scheduling or signups necessary.
  • Playing what I wanted, small press games that don't get the usual convention love.
  • A stable of willing and excited GM volunteers waiting for me.
  • A donated pile of books, dice, and everything else needed to play.
  • A 'library' of small press games to choose from.
  • Even a promise to sit down and figure out any game I brought.
  • The unprecedented opportunity to 'window shop' rpgs. "Looks interesting... let's play!"
I worked hard to emulate the concept at NeonCon 2009 and I think I did pretty fucking well. I had 5 or so volunteers to help run the tables. We ran 19 sessions and 16 different games. We played everything from Hunter: the Vigil to Dogs in the Vineyard, anything that wasn't getting the love it deserved from the RPGA and other scheduled gaming.

Strangely enough, during my entire visit, the Games on Demand offering at GenCon 2010 was disappointing as hell.
  • No sign-age, no markings, no greeters, no indication of being in the right place.
  • No excited and available GMs to accept me and my fellow willing gamers.
  • No visible library of games to peruse or flip through while waiting for an available GM.
  • No obvious way to get involved, call 'dibs' on the next game, or anything.
What did it have? I'm glad you asked...
  • An Apocalypse World book was the only indication that it wasn't another RPGA event.
  • Eight or so tables, all full, all happily mid-game, all oblivious to passers-by (me).
What does this all mean? I'm I just bitching about a crappy con experience? Not at all kids. What it means is that Games on Demand at NeonCon 2010 will rock that much harder than it did last year! I had a blast last year and I learned a lot about running a good event. I saw piss poor execution at GenCon this year and I learned even more about running a good event.

I'll keep you posted and I'll see you at NeonCon!

Blog of the Dead

Since my head's been out of 'design mode', I've let this blog fade considerably. That's a shame cause I generally have a lot of good ideas, they just don't happen to be full games.

So, using all my mighty necromancy powers, I'll attempt to bring this blog back from Oblivion with more of a focus on General RPG Thoughts rather than Games I'm Designing.

Slew of posts, coming up!

Friday, July 30, 2010

WoD: Mirrors

Finished WoD: Mirrors today. Holy shit.

Fate and Savage Worlds are great go-to-games for homebrew attempts to make your own game using their generic systems. They've always lacked something for me though. (Maybe it's dice pools?) With Mirrors and the WoD Rulebook, I can literally trick out the Storyteller system for anything I want to play! Hell, even Fate's beloved Aspects get applied (and remixed) as "Player-Described Merits".

Good, good stuff!

A few of the things I'm really thinking of dropping into my Werewolf game:
  • Sway (Social Combat Rules)
  • Anticipation
  • Setup
  • Rapport (much like Trust from the very cool Mountain Witch rpg)
  • The Cup (of mysterious goodies)

A few things I will be dropping into the game:
  • Player Described Merits
  • Mob Rules (lumping 30 zombies together as a single character)
  • Decompression/Compression (more something to consider while I GM than a rule to implement)

Grab the pdf for super cheap on DrivethruRPG!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Swashbuckling and Skullduggery!

At last, we come full circle. I sat some friends down the other day to playstorm some of the concepts I've been batting around for a pirate game using Liar's Dice. You may recall me mentioning this a while back.

As it turns out, the idea held up remarkably well. A few confirmations and several notes later, I'm sitting on the makings for a pretty fun little game! After talking to my favorite artist, I've got some great ideas of how to present and package this little gem.

I've been excited about most of the projects I've worked on. I've learned a lot, even if I don't plan to push any of them toward publication. This is the first time, however, that I've suspected real potential.

Coming soon...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Shark Bone!

What has two thumbs and acts as a co-host on the new rpg podcast Shark Bone?

This guy!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Project Cyberpunk

Do you want to play Cyberpunk? Do you feel the rules are a bit outdated? Me too! Luckily, there's a nifty little solution that's even been tried and tested with good times by all.

Just download this nifty little character sheet made by my friend John for the best sci-fi rpg that's still not released! (Keep going Matt, we'll be patient!)

Project Vanguard + Cyberpunk = Awesome Fun

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I discovered Kickstarter from a thread on RPGnet. The entire site is dedicated to funding projects of all kinds, seemingly any kind, via patronage.

A patronage model means people, fans, strangers, or whoever pitch in money to fund a project or pay an artist for a creative endeavor. Patronage Funding has seen success in several different markets and it's been making quite a splash lately in the RPG industry. Older titles such as Wild Talents and Reign as well as the new Pathfinder Modern project are prime examples of Patronage and Ransom model funding in the gaming industry.

What I find fascinating about Kickstarter is that they've linked up with a trusted site to allow 'backers' to pledge money via the Amazon payment account that everyone and my mother already has. Additionally, if the goal for pledge money isn't reached, none of the backers are actually charged for their pledges.

Let me give you an example: I fork over $50 to help kickstart the Pathfinder Modern project. Not only does that give me access to their design blog and project forums, I'm also promised a hardcover copy of the finished book. So for $50, I'm preordering the book and helping to fund the project. Should the project not raise enough money, the book is never produced and I am never charged!

What a fascinating way to fund a project. What an interesting way to buy into, not only the finished product, but the design process as well.

What does this mean for you? What does it mean for me? Who knows?

But I'll be damned if I can't think up a project worth kickstarting for a $100 or so. You know, just to test it out. :-)